Friday, June 29, 2012

Firewood Part 2

Besides having fun at the Back to the 50s car show last weekend, we needed a little help with a project...a BIG project. After the big storm two weeks ago, the tree that was struck by lightning needed to come down. Jesse's mom and dad were so kind and brought down their chainsaw to help take care of the mess. I think the pictures (umm...and a few captions) say it all...

Jesse in the tree tying the guide rope.

It took up the WHOLE back yard after it dropped, but they took it down perfectly!


Hauling the "jungle" to the front for the city to pick up.
The hole in the yard and our pile of firewood. You would think there would be more from that huge tree!

The brush pile in the front yard...sorry neighbors...the city said they would come by soon!

The ever-helpful Wally, carrying sticks to the front.

Since the best times to plant trees are Spring and Fall, we will be waiting a little while to fill up the yard again. I think we've settled on adding several Maple trees along the fence line. Perhaps just the right distance apart to put up a hammock when they are strong enough!

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